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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dear Claire,

Yesterday I saw you for the first time. Okay, I saw you before but then you weren't much more than some divided cells with a heartbeat. Yesterday, you were so wiggly and refused to hold still for the ultrasound tech. Nice work! Don't ever let anyone tell you what to do.

I'm so excited to hold you and sing to you. You're going to LOVE your older sister Grace and your big brother Taggart. They are as excited to see you as I am. You will provide some good balance in their lives. I think you're just what they need!

You're not going to believe what an awesome mom that you have. Just wait, you'll see. She's beautiful, talented, strong and she is going to love you like crazy! I don't know what I'd do without her. What a lucky girl you are to have her!

Claire, keep growing. I'm counting the days until you are born. (153 according to mom's blog).

I love you!

Your Dad

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Honey, you're so sweet! I love your blog! Keep it up! :) I can even help you put some cutesy background on it if you want. HAHA!


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