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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Messing With Sam

Last night I had the following chat with my older brother Sam. He had just installed a chat application on his Blackberry. Fortunately, I was messing around on my blackberry the other day and figured out how to do accents and upside down punctuation. (I added translation of the Spanish phrases in parenthesis) Before you read it, please understand that I consider Sam to be one of the smartest and wittiest people I have known. There are so few instances that I have successfully been able to play a trick on him. He, on the other hand, is able to make pretty much anyone believe pretty much anything. Needless to say, I am proud of myself for this conversation.

Sam Shumway: Success
Sam Shumway: You there?
Joseph: Exito!!! Felicitaciones (Success! Congratulations)
Sam Shumway: :'( (Face with tear in the eye)
Joseph: Lagrimas del gozo (Tears of joy)
Sam Shumway: Grashias (Thanks)
Joseph: ¿Ya funciona bien? (Is it working now?)
Sam Shumway: SI perfecto. (Yes, perfectly)
Joseph: Hay que cambiár el idioma al ingles (you need to change the language to English)
Sam Shumway: What?
Sam Shumway: Is there some language feature?
Joseph: Estoy teclando en ingles y lo traduzca al español (I'm typing in English and it is translated to Spanish)
Joseph: Creo que es tu bb (I think it's your blackberry)
Sam Shumway: Seriously
Sam Shumway: Sweet.
Sam Shumway: You. Are lying.
Joseph: ¿como? (What?)
Joseph: ¿Estas teclando en español también? (Are you typing in Spanish too?)
Sam Shumway: No English.
Joseph: No English
Joseph: Lo escribí en español (I wrote that in Spanish)
Joseph: Creo que cambia de un idioma al otro (I think it changes from one language to another)
Sam Shumway: Te digo algo en espanol (I'll say something to you in Spanish)
Joseph: I'll say something in Spanish
Sam Shumway: Are you messing with me
Joseph: If you could only see my face!!!
Joseph: Ja ja ja ja (Ha ha ha ha)
Joseph: That was pretty classic!
Joseph: I revel in it when I can pull one over on you!
Sam Shumway: Look at you. So proud of yourself. The only reason I was buying it was because of the upsiddr down ? And the word teclando.
Joseph: That was really fun!
Sam Shumway: Well done little brother that was almost as good as the deer heead incident
Joseph: ¡exito! (Success!)
Joseph: It feels almost as good
Joseph: If only more people had been watching
Sam Shumway: You will save thhe conversation I'm sure.
Joseph: Yes
Joseph: And send it to all of our spanish speaking kin
Sam Shumway: Well I'm going to bed. Later.
Joseph: Goodnight
Joseph: Nice work on the messenger
Sam Shumway: Thx. (Thank you)

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